The Playground|中村眞弥子個展
2021 / 11 / 20 - 12/31
子どものころから "プレイグラウンド"が好き。公園。校庭。散歩道。 絵を描くようになり、キャンバスは わたしの"プレイグラウンド"となりました。 人工と自然。直線と曲線。光と影。色とかたち。記憶と予感の交差する、虹色の遊び場を描いてみました。 ・・・
“The Playground” 是一系列基於日常風景,以壓克力繪製於畫布上的抽象畫。許多的故事被揭露或者隱藏在畫面裡。簡潔的形式邀請您一同來探索與想像,系列並同時以年曆的形式發表,邀請您以自在的步調悠遊其中。
I've loved "playgrounds" since I was a child. Parks. School grounds. Walkways. When I became a painter, the canvas became my "Playground". Artificial and natural. Straight lines and curves. Light and shadow. Shapes and colors. The rainbow-colored "Playgrounds" are the crossroads of memories and intuition. ・・・
"The Playground" is a series of abstract paintings in acrylic on canvas board, based on my daily drawings of landscapes. Many stories are hidden among the images. Their simplicity leads you to explore and imagine. Please take your time to play around with the calendar throughout the year.
中村眞弥子 Mayako Nakamura
畫家,1976 年出生,於東京生活與工作,2009 年開始在國內外展出其作品。除了繪畫,其創作也延伸至生活的各個領域,或為壁畫、音樂專輯、書籍封面、食器與服裝等。