幽玄 Quiet Beauty|小林伸幸 個展
2023 / 09 / 16 - 10 / 08
幽 表示「朦朧而安靜的狀態」
玄 意指「深奧的道理」
“Yu " is "a state of wispy and quiet" .
"Gen" is the meaning of "the profound reason”.
Trees which is peace and calm although being eloquent, rocks which is mossed and is enshrined, clear water which flows endlessly in a state deeply full with pure aqua……
When I stand face to face with them as I stand still in such nature, the word "Yu-Gen" and the meanings of that are equal with the phenomenon in front of me without any sense of incongruity.
– photographer Nobuyuki Kobayashi
企劃統籌:Bridge Builder
視覺設計:Han Yun Liang
音樂設計:本源共振 Source Resonance
氣味設計:Grace Chen
展場攝影:Edward Lee
小林伸幸 Nobuyuki Kobayashi
1970 年出生於日本埼玉縣,東京視覺藝術專門學校畢業,曾於紐約學習基礎美術與另類攝影製成。2001 年返回日本後,推出充滿人道關懷的人像攝影作品,同時將藝術創作延伸至自然攝影,採用日本和紙為印製媒材,結合類比和鉑金顯影沖印技術,成功地創造出優雅而獨特的基調。